Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Mother's Day




















當妳十一歲時,她帶妳和妳的朋友去看電影時,妳則以要求她坐在不同排來謝謝她當妳十二歲時,她警告妳不要看某些TV Shows時,妳則以等到她離開時注視這些TV Shows來謝謝她當妳十三歲的青少年時期,她建議妳要去剪個頭髮時,妳則以告訴她她一點品味都沒有,來謝謝她當妳十四歲時,她讓妳去夏令營,妳則以忘了寫封家書來謝謝她當妳十五歲時,她工作回來並期待一個擁抱,妳則以房門深鎖來謝謝她當妳十六歲時,她教妳如何開車,妳以儘妳所能的到處冒險來謝她當妳十七歲時,她正在等一個重要的電話時,妳則以整夜電話中來謝謝她當妳十八歲時,她讓妳去受高中教育,妳則以外宿,到天明來謝謝她愈來愈大,妳已經十九歲,她讓妳去念個大學,載妳去學校,帶著妳的袋子,妳則以在宿舍門外,怕她會讓妳在妳朋友面前蒙羞,就趕緊說再見的方式來答謝她當妳已二十歲,她問妳是否有約會,妳則以'那不關妳的事'來答謝她







(adopted from an e-mail)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Before I started to blog, I laughed at my fellow friends who were blogging. I thought blogging was just wasting time and money, as time is golden and even platinum.

But now in the present, I was addicted, in what? In blogger website. Now I loves to blog, I found a lot of things I could share with my friends. I cannot stop myself to stop my typing any single words and post into my blog site. I went to computer lab which located only 0.003 miles from my lecture hall to start my blog. I even play truancy for 720000 millisecond ( 120 minutes = 2 hours) and came for blogging, I skip my Malaysia National hood lecture which suppose to be 3 hours, what a silly thing I had done. Sometimes I feel upset, angry and bad temper when I can online to do my assignment, p/s: main idea is to blog. Then, I knew that I was addicted very severe.

I fell depress and scare, if people realize that I was addicted and loves to blog; because one of classmate hated us, of course some of us, not all excluding me, I think. Why? He is our class representative, his job is to upload a article to our class group web page. I must say he became our class representative, as he was selected. I hope this day wouldn't come to me.

Now I started to promote the best of blogging, beside I tried to made it low profile. First person, I promoted was HPY, she is a girl in my course, she is pretty sweet girl, we used to be traffic light as we always wear like a traffic light, usually I was in green, light green, not a standard colour but accepted; she used to be wear bright yellow color, very bright and shinny, very sunshine, so she is the yellow light, indicate to prepare to stop. Actually, there had a red light guy from my house, he is guy who stay next two my room, but I refused to promote.

I was addicted,
yesterday morning I took my assessment, microbiology assessment, after the assessment, I feel very free as the following assessment will be the week after next, many days for me to prepare. So, this weekend I can go for blogging thourghout the whole weekend.

Now, I am sitting in front of this computer, beside me is one of my friends, Ah Joon, he is a blogger too. He introduced this 'drug' for me and now I was addicted. I can live without blogging, blogging is my live now, of course come after study as there are too many assessment and lab I have to catch up. He able to post many blog in a short time and some of his experience were wonderful and touching. One thing I sure is he loves to blog, we are the same boat.

Last thing I would like to remind is blogging is a good activities for young and children, and one thinf I discovered recently was more blooger nowadays are usually old folks... haha

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


What are we actually studying for? Is for exam. My friends LOVE exam so much, as I can't stand the smell, the words and the appearance of exam. I HATES examination, test, quiz, and assessment a lot, even my practical report esp my microbiology lab.

So, what should you do to make the following exam to become more fun and enjoy, before the exam, during the exam and after the exam?

BEFORE the exam:
Share your idea with your friends, if doubt about your friends idea, argue with them, "shoot" them, scold them.... haha.... to make your idea more realistic(even is wrong), act fearfully. Haha...

DURING the exam:
Talk a lot in the exam hall or room as this will attract the attention of the lecturer or invigilator. Meanwhile, cheat with also can makes the situation more challenging. When cheating, you enhance your observation around you... haha...

AFTER the exam:
Please! No more study, study only done when the arrival of assessment or exam... =.=... So please don't study after the assessment and exam... Play!!! As a human we must have the time to study, play, eat, sing, dance, talk, and so on... so don't torture yourself, or your body. Let your heart to rest, and listen to your heart what they want.

All the idea above is just a suggestion, don't get caught when your are cheating, and don't argue and scold with your lecturer, respect them.... haha

I more thing to remember, I really hates exam....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The most beautiful name ever....

The most beautiful name ever is Shigella.

Do you argee with me?

Shigella have the meaning of beauty, kindness, romantic, helpful, self-esteem and peaceful; I loves this name because it can show you this is a perfect name.

If someones called you the name "Shigella", you can fell like dancing, floating all the way down. I found this name during my lecture with Dr. Jega six days ago. He introduced this name to all of us, at the same time, I "fall in love" with this name, and this is the name I never heard it before but I am very familiar with it and passion. Oh my god, I can bear my mind that I loves this name until can dreaming about Shigella all the night.

A friend of mine told me Shigella high IQ ladies will be appreciate and being respect by the others. This is truth, and again was a wonderful name, as S for super, H for high, I for intelligence, G for girl, LL for will and A for appreciate. So, Shigella is stand for a super duper high IQ ladies will be respect and will be appreciate by the others. At last and not least, Shigella is a beautiful name ever in my lifetime.


I feels the bacteria....!!!!!

Study is not a simple job but everyone can do it well and wonderful, but I can't. People say study is a golden key in your future, do you really agree with it? But sometimes when a people have higher education they will have more evade themself towards this environment. I am a student in university right now, as now it is my second semester, meanwhile, it was my nightmare. I can feel the bacteria and parasite all the time around me... Yuaks, why? Because now i am taking microbiology module that is the study of bacteria and the pathogenesis, how the bacteria cause disease and even parasites. Sometimes, I can really feel diarrhoea, when I revision on the topic about the bacteria which cause diarrhoea. Oh my god, even I can feel the bacteria were crawling my stomach, talking with me, swimming in my mouth cavity, making me itch and many more that cannot really describe.